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Air mattress for pressure sores

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We carry an extensive line of hospital mattresses for sale. Our selection of therapeutic surfaces enables the
advanced prevention and treatment of pressure sores that many patients experience. We provide powered mattress
systems in three different modalities of therapy: low air loss (on-demand and low), alternating pressure, and
lateral rotation.

Wounds like pressure ulcers occur due to pressure applied on the soft tissue resulting in completely or partially
clogged blood flow to the soft tissue. They most commonly develop in individuals who are not moving about, such
as those who are bedridden or are mostly limited to a wheelchair. It is widely believed that other factors can
influence the tolerance of skin for pressure, thus increasing the risk of wounds in the form of pressure ulcer

Patients suffering from an illness that causes wounds such as pressure ulcers and patients who are totally bed
ridden are likely to develop bed sores if not taken care of properly. Their care involves cleanliness or personal
hygiene, daily body movement or side changes. It also depends on the place where they spend most of their time,
so an air mattress is advised. An air mattress is a great source of treatment in a way that it prevents pressure
ulcers and sores to develop and stops already developed ulcers from getting worse.